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Frankenstien woolfman dracula the mummy movies online free

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Plus having the Mummy be a woman after Cruise's body so she could planther demon God inside of him and they can reign as King and Queen thisseems more like it falls into being of one of Cruise's aging vanityprojects than on acting skill. He gets to run around a lotdoing his "intense face" all while an attractive woman half his age isalong with him for the sexual interplay (more on her in a moment).Yeah, there's discussion about his character growing something of aconscience as this goes on but it's pretty perfunctory. He and several others findAhmanet's sarcophygus but while bringing it back to be examined, theplane goes down over London and a bunch of strange things happen thatthey learn can't just be coincidence. Universal of course is also putting it's faith in Tom Cruise, who playsan Army Vet prone towards treasure hunting. She's Ahmanet,an Egyptian Princess who wanted power, sold out to some powerful entityfor eternal life, and paid for it by getting entombed. The set-up is pretty much the same as the older Mummy film althoughhere it's a woman played by "Kingsman's" Sofia Boutella. This new Mummy is just a wrong-headed disaster. The question is canthey still go serious but also have fun at the same time? And say what you will about Sommers the guy was a C-grade filmmakerwho got a kick out of a cheap thrill but at least you could say hecommitted to it. There's no doubt director Stephen Sommers luckedout with that first film and there's also little doubt Universal wantsto move away from that overall cheesiness here. But now let's talk about "The Mummy", specifically that old trilogywith Brendan Fraser. That last one I think is really cool by the way because while so manyothers have been portrayed by the likes of Gary Oldman and JackNicholson's, Jekyll's best portrayal in the past 20+ years has beenugh….David Hasselhoff. So far we've heard Johnny Depp, The Rock, and JavierBardem's names being thrown into the mix, plus Russell Crowe is alreadyhere as Dr. And they're also not skimping out on finding A-list talent to help sellthe whole thing.

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Jekyll and Mr Hyde and moreslip through their fingers. In a world where Universes are becoming more and more of a thing,Universal seems determined not to let this monster mash-up of TheWolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein, Mummy, Dr. That 2010 Benicio del Toro "Wolfman" movie also doesn'tmatter.

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Those re-shoots that 2014's"Dracula Untold" went through to tie into a Dark Universe those don'tmatter now. "The Mummy" is the first movie in what Universal Studios wants to calltheir "Dark Universe." Yeah, that's right.

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